As one of the most important consumer blocs around the world, the Hispanic population is the new hub of focus for online marketers. As the Hispanic community continues to grow both in number and in social class, their patronage can mean the difference between the success and the stagnation of an online business. One –… [Read More]
Archives for November 2013
2 Ways to Incorporate English to Spanish Translation into Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital marketing has the ability to easily reach across lines of geography. However, without breaking the barrier of language, being able to project a marketing message across the world does a company very little good. Having a comprehensive bilingual digital marketing strategy is essential for most businesses that are looking to expand and grow into… [Read More]
Hispanics are Erasing the Digital Divide
The digital divide between Hispanics and non-Hispanics is quickly disappearing as Latinos are quickly catching up with Internet usage. According to Mark Hugo Lopez, associate director of the Pew Hispanic Center, Hispanic Internet usage has grown 34 percent during the last five years. Within the Hispanic population, there are several subgroups that are fueling the… [Read More]
Ask us a question in Twitter Hashtag #LatinoSEM
When we participated in the LATISM13 National Conference last September 20, 2013 for the session Latino SEM Strategies: Bringing Together PR, Blogging, and SEO, many participants requested us a channel or medium for them to be able to send us questions after the panel. We considered options for a moment and since we were in… [Read More]