Cero Deuda is committed to helping their clients so that they can regain control of their financial life. They have debt specialists who have the maximum capacity to provide great attention to service and a high level of excellence in business conduct, with the purpose of developing and consolidating a lasting relationship with each of… [Read More]
200 Puntos a Considerar a la Hora de Optimizar tu Contenido para Web
Uno de los factores más relevantes a la hora de potenciar el posicionamiento web de tu contenido, es justamente optimizar el contenido para que sea considerado único, de alta calidad y valor editorial. Si bien hay muchos factores de relevancia importantes para “SEO en español“, le listamos 200 de ellos que hemos compilado de varias… [Read More]
Latin Entrepreneurs: An Interview with Federico Grinberg, founder of Futbol Sites
Federico Grinberg, Co-Founder of Futbol Sites What is needed to be an entrepreneur in the media? To be an entrepreneur in the world of media, one needs a lot of virtues and qualities, including initiative, creativity and integrity, technological innovation and an unwavering compromise for customer service. Federico, please tell us, what is Futbol Sites?… [Read More]
Engaging with Latinos Online with Responsive Websites and Emails
Learn 3 reasons why is so important to have a Responsive Website Design and use Responsive Email Communications when you are connecting and engaging with Latinos online. By Sebastian Aroca with Hispanic Market Advisors. Interviewed by Romina Tibytt, LatinoSEM.com. Also, if you are interested on learning more about this topic, please consider attending this session… [Read More]
Hashtags: un factor determinante para tu estrategia en redes sociales
Los hashtags ya no son una novedad. Son utilizados popularmente para ampliar el alcance de publicaciones en las redes sociales y conectar con personas que están conversando sobre un tema en particular. Sin embargo, el conjunto de palabras precedidas por el símbolo numeral, pueden ser algo engañosas y marcar una importante diferencia en tu estrategia… [Read More]
Facebook: Claves para crear una página dirigida al mercado latino
Facebook es una de las redes sociales preferidas de la comunidad hispana. La versatilidad que posee en cuanto creación y distribución de contenido, es uno de los factores principales por los cuales el público queda atrapado en ella. La fácil accesibilidad también lo permiten , ya sea conectados desde sus computadoras o dispositivos móviles. Los… [Read More]
Facebook rewards anything that drives engagement
Facebook isn’t something of the past. Even with other social platforms like Twitter and Instagram gaining steam, facebook is far from being death. In fact, it’s been picking up speed lately. However, it is important to note that the social network is changing what you see, from whom, and when. Similar to what Google is… [Read More]
Educational TWITTER PARTIES Helping Brands Connect With Latinos Online
It’s not news that brands are always trying to connect with their audience as cost-effectively as possible. The channels used to achieve this objective may vary; while some brands play more focus on paid advertising, others decide to concentrate their efforts in organic SEO and social media marketing. Usually, it’s a combination of all of… [Read More]
Latino marketing, redes sociales y más en Hispanicize 2014 #hispz14
Desde el 1 al 4 de Abril 2014, tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la conferencia Hispanicize en la ciudad de Miami Fl. A continuación te comparto algunas de las lecciones que aprendí durante mi asistencia, sobre marketing para latinos, redes sociales y estrategias de comunicación online, más opiniones personales de este magno evento. La… [Read More]
Financial education among Latino families: Bilingual Twitter Party #FinanzasLatinos
We are very glad to announce that we are hosting a Twitter Party about the importance of financial education among Latino families on Thursday May 8th at 9pm EST/ 6pm PST, and YOU are our guest of honor. We will have valuable information and amazing giveaways, learn more below and don’t forget to RSVP! During… [Read More]