Last Wednesday April 2, 2014 at Hispanicize 2014 #hispz14, Dr. Sarita Arteaga, President of Hispanic Dental Association (HDA) Foundation, and Dr. Ivan Lugo, former HDA President and currently with @CrestLatino participated at a panel about Hispanics and Oral Health. The panel was moderated by Ana Patricia Gonzalez from Despierta America at Univision. The panelists discussed… [Read More]
Yoani Sánchez en Hispanicize 2014 -Miami, FL- #HISPZ14
Desde el 1 y hasta el 4 de Abril, en la ciudad de Miami, FL se está realizando uno de los eventos más importantes para bloggers, periodistas y marketers latinos. La conferencia Hispanicize, va por su 5ta entrega, y en esta ocasión cuenta con más de 1500 asistentes de todo el país. Entre los disertantes… [Read More]
5 consejos para distribuir tu contenido en las redes sociales efectivamente
“El buen contenido encuentra su audiencia” Todas las sesiones a las que asistí durante la Social Media Week en New York City fueron muy buenas ¡después de dos semanas sigo con las ideas girando en mi cabeza!. Una de mis favoritas fue la que llevó por nombre Content is King but Distribution is Queen entregada… [Read More]
La revolución del marketing de contenido #SMWNY #LatinoSEM
Durante la semana del 17 al 21 de Febrero 2014, tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la conferencia Social Media Week en New York City. Un evento intensivo de sesiones y clases magistrales dictadas directamente por los expertos de la industria de las redes sociales. Entre la cantidad de material y nuevas herramientas que adquirí, hoy… [Read More]
Lessons Learned from SOCIAL MEDIA WEEK – New York 2014
Here’s a file I put together to share some of our compiled notes from the Social Media Week NYC Conference that took place during February 17-21, 2014 at Highline Stages, NYC. Check the last page of the embedded file for a direct link to watch all the available live streaming videos of the conference (log… [Read More]
Spanish SEO: 5 Do’s and Don’ts
1 – Smart Website Translations 2 – Spanish URL Schemes 3 – Using Google+ for Spanish SEO 4 – In 2014, Spanish SEO Content is King 5 – Spreading the Message with Guest Posts Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the Hispanic American community is not a simple matter of taking existing content originally created in… [Read More]
4 Most Effective Ways of Reaching the US Hispanic Audience
As one of the most important consumer blocs around the world, the Hispanic population is the new hub of focus for online marketers. As the Hispanic community continues to grow both in number and in social class, their patronage can mean the difference between the success and the stagnation of an online business. One –… [Read More]
2 Ways to Incorporate English to Spanish Translation into Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital marketing has the ability to easily reach across lines of geography. However, without breaking the barrier of language, being able to project a marketing message across the world does a company very little good. Having a comprehensive bilingual digital marketing strategy is essential for most businesses that are looking to expand and grow into… [Read More]
Hispanics are Erasing the Digital Divide
The digital divide between Hispanics and non-Hispanics is quickly disappearing as Latinos are quickly catching up with Internet usage. According to Mark Hugo Lopez, associate director of the Pew Hispanic Center, Hispanic Internet usage has grown 34 percent during the last five years. Within the Hispanic population, there are several subgroups that are fueling the… [Read More]
Ask us a question in Twitter Hashtag #LatinoSEM
When we participated in the LATISM13 National Conference last September 20, 2013 for the session Latino SEM Strategies: Bringing Together PR, Blogging, and SEO, many participants requested us a channel or medium for them to be able to send us questions after the panel. We considered options for a moment and since we were in… [Read More]